Track readings on rental

In Viberent, you can now track usage of equipment through regular readings of equipment on hire so as to plan for things such as periodic usage based servicing, test and tagging and so on.  Users can capture the start reading, end reading and usage of each item or each serial number(s). You can define your own usage metrics such as Machine Hours, Mileage (Km’s, Miles), Thickness, Odometer readings etc….

To configure these reading types we have a separate configuration under the Settings menu called “Reading Type Configuration”.

Using this screen you can create and manage the various reading types/metrics. Once a Reading type is used in a rental, tracking history will commence and therefore you won’t be able to delete the entry.

After configuring, users can start to track the usage in the Inventory Management screen under Stock Details. Upon double click on the serial number item, a tick box will show “Track readings on rental”. Once you select the option users can enter Starting reading/metric. While the equipment is at a rental site, users can update the Current reading/metric, which will then be updated in the Current Reading field (see below).

The Usage will be calculated = Current Reading value – Start Reading. Initially the Starting and Current reading will be the same.

After this initial setup is completed, you can track on-going reading/metricin rental transactions.

When a rental is raised, you can track the readings on an on-going basis.  There is a separate tab called ‘Readings’.  Using this, user can enter the machine reading details such as odometer readings or hours etc for each item.  Based on the initial reading gathered at the time of rental, we can calculate usage of the item. 

This Reading tab will only be enabled if there are items in the rental that have “Track Readings” tick-box is on in Inventory Management – Stock Details screen as explained above.  If there are rental items with none of them having the tick-box on, then the Readings tab will not be shown at all. User can specify the readings for each item in the rental. 

User can select the item, specify date of reading and enter current reading value. Based on latest previous entry for the item the system will calculate Usage = Previous reading – Current reading.  Upon saving the rental, the system will update the Current reading in Inventory management for the item. 

Rental Machinery Usage Report

A report will be generated to list total usage based on reading entries made. You can find this report under reports menu Item reports ->Rental Machinery Usage Report

Selection criteria: Item category – main group, Items – sub-group (only items belonging to selected category to be shown)

From/To dates: Dates for which the report is required

Customers: Single, multiple or all. Only customers having rental (s’term or l’term) during the period to be selected.

The report will generate like below sample.

User can also export this in pdf, excel, etc… using the export option.

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