Create New Inventory Items in Viberent

You can create new inventory items in Viberent using the inventory management screen in the main inventory menu. To create a new item, simply press the green "Add New Item" button in the screen. Required inventory fields will become editable allowing you to create a new inventory item.

All information relevant to an inventory item can be found by toggling the horizontal menu shown below; 

All mandatory fields are shown with a red asterisk. You can not create a new inventory item unless all mandatory fields have been entered. 

Item Code:

Item code is the unique identifier of items within Viberent and is used to integrate with accounting packages. Once an item code has been created for an item it cannot be edited - a new item must be created with a new item code. Successful hire/rental businesses use an item code structure that is consistent across all items in the business allowing the business to quickly identify / search for items.

Item Name:

Item Name is used to describe the item, expanding on the item code and is shown on customer facing documents such as quotes, rentals and invoices. Item names can be edited after an item has been created in Viberent.

Sub Category:

Each item is allocated to a Category > Subcategory within Viberent. You can allocate new items to an existing category using the dropdown or create a new category by clicking the blue 'Create Sub Category" text


New Inventory items will have an Active status by default. If you want to remove the item from availability, you can change the status to "Inactive".

Income Account For Tracking Sales / Taxcode:

Allocate the correct income account and taxcode (as per your accounting system) to your new item using the dropdown in the pricing tab. You can change income accounts at any stage using this screen.

When you have entered all mandatory information for your new inventory item, you can save the item. Viberent will ask if you would like to post the item to your accounting package - you must post the item to be able to use in Viberent.

Watch this video on how to create Serial Number Inventory Items:

Watch this video on how to create Bulk Inventory Items:

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