How To Email Quotes From Viberent

Emailing Quotes in Viberent

Viberent enables you to send quotes directly to your customers. When you are satisfied with the contents of the quote, simply click the email button at the bottom of the quote screen.

Note: When you make a change to a quote, you must save the quote before emailing to ensure you are emailing the latest version of the quote.

Some fields in the email screen will pre-populated to the information relevant to the quote. The Sender Name and From fields are populated from your  General Settings. Email Template, Subject and CC Mail Address are populated from your templates setup in your Email Templates settings. 

Transaction Multimedia;

All files that have been uploaded in the multimedia tab of your quote screen will be listed in the Transaction Multimedia box. You can send each of these files as attachments to your quote by highlighting each of the files. Hold the control button on your keyboard to select multiple files to send. 

Items Multimedia;

If any items used in the quote contain multimedia files within  Inventory Management - each of the multimedia files will be listed in the Items Multimedia box. You can send each of these files as attachments to your quote by highlighting each of the files. Hold the control button on your keyboard to select multiple files to send. As an example, many Viberent users will stores photos, user guides and safety certificates against each of their items. When sending a quote, Viberent will list each of the attachments to send to your customer.


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