Confirmed Quotes

A Confirmed Quote indicates that the quote has been accepted / will be going ahead and are shown in green on the Transaction Calendar Dashboard. Items used in confirmed quotes will be removed from item availability and cannot be double booked.  

When adding a new line item to a confirmed quote, Viberent will identify the quantity of items available for the date range. Viberent will not allow you to save lines showing an insufficient quantity of available items. 

How do Quotes become Confirmed in Viberent?

All new quotes generated in Viberent start as Tentative by default. You can change the status of a quote at any time using the Quote Status dropdown on the Quote screen and saving the quote. When a client accepts a tentative quote by signing online to accept your rental agreement / terms &  conditions, your tentative quote will automatically move to confirmed and appear green on the transaction calendar. Viberent will send you a system generated email to notify you that the quote has been accepted as shown below; 

Quote Accepted Email (System Gen)

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