SMS Functionality in Viberent
We have introduced SMS/Text functionality in Viberent mobile app. We use Clicksend ( to send SMS/Text via the mobile app. Currently, the SMS functionality is provided for Delivery and Return modules of the mobile app. We will progressively introduce such functionality for other modules based on user requirements. Also, we will be introducing processing customer replies in the form of Y or N or Yes or No for deliveries and returns. At present, you can simply send SMS to customers based on pre-formatted messages.
1. Clicksend
Please go to and sign up. Initially you can trial for 14 days or so without paying for sending SMS via Viberent. After trial expiry, you can top up with any amount based on the volume of texts you anticipate your staff will process in Viberent.
Once you signup for Clicksend, please let us know so we can activate SMS delivery within Viberent.
Login to Clicksend and go to Developer - API Credentials section and copy the following data.
1. Username
2. API Key
3. Phone number
2. Enable SMS Delivery in Viberent
Once SMS delivery is activated, you will see a menu in Settings titled "SMS Configuration".
Step 1. Clicksend Configuration
Specify the Clicksend username, API key and phone number details as noted above.
Click Save button to save the details.
Step 2. SMS Template Configuration
You can specify separate messages for Delivery and Pickup/Return modules.
Select Message Type and enter Sender Name
Enter SMS message. You can also use SMS Tags to personalise the messages.
Make sure your message includes reference to not reply to SMS as currently there is no reply tracking in Viberent. Remember to include your company contact details.
3. Enable SMS Delivery for Viberent users
Once the above steps are completed, you can now enable SMS for mobile app for specific users. This is provided so only users with access to Viberent mobile app can send SMS.
Go to Settings - User Configuration screen.
Search and open details for relevant user
Go to the bottom to Settings Menu
Tick the box for SMS Configuration
Click the Save button to save the details.
4. SMS Functionality in Mobile app
In Viberent mobile, if the logged in user has access to SMS (as configured above in user configuration screen), an SMS icon will be shown as below when you select a rental for Delivery or Return.
On clicking the system will show the following screen.
Select the SMS Template.
In the Selected Template, the relevant text will be shown. You can modify the text as required.
Click the Send button to send the SMS